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You are viewing Cheat Codes for Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 4

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Game Name : Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 4
System : Xbox
Date Added : 2002-11-01 11:02:53
Views : 78860

Baseball mini-game at Alcatraz
Get to the prison yard with a large gap in the wall. Talk to the pitchers mound to start the mini-game. You will earn $25 per homerun.

Hidden area at Carnival
After buying or winning the Carnival level, you will see a haunted house while skating around. Go up to the house and you will see two rails on the "porch", symmetrically side by side. Grind one of the two and you will enter another dimension with floating skulls and spirals. You will grind into the mouth of a large head and go back into the level.

Get eaten by an alligator at Carnival
Go to the Rockin Rockitz, then jump over the wall behind the ride. Just wait there and enjoy the show.

Lumberjack mini-game at Carnival
Go over to the Wood Warriors Invitational and talk to the lumberjack. Cut five logs before the other team to win. However, there is no reward for doing so.

Target practice mini-game at Carnival
Talk to the carnival worker with the gun at the shooting range to get $15 or $30 per shot.

Tennis mini-game at College
Go to the tennis court and can play tennis with a someone named Bjorn. You will get $500 if you win.

High voltage mini-game at College
Find the green transformer next to Billy's Sporting Goods and do a lip trick on it. Grind the flashing wires to bring the voltages down to zero and earn $500.

Garbage truck mini-game at College
Spine Transfer into the garbage truck, then fall while still in the truck. You will start a mini-game where you can get a lot of money by riding the garbage trucks and launching out to catch the $50 bills.

Slappers mini-game at London
Go under the bridge to find a pimp. You can bet on which of his girls will win a cat fight for $100. Note: You will not lose any money if the girl you bet on loses.

Save The Sea Lions mini-game at San Francisco
At the pier, go straight back to the ocean. Go near the big bowl back there. You will see two view finders between quarterpipes. Look through the view finder on the left for the mini-game. You will get $500 if you win. The other view finder gives you a preview of Alcatraz.

Monkey Poo Dodge Ball mini-game at Zoo
Find the giraffe cage in the zoo. Skate through the half open door behind them. Use the red button in the room to play the Monkey Poo Dodge Ball mini-game for $500.

Egg drop mini-game at Zoo
Find the bird area. Talk to the small nest to start a mini-game where you need to catch ten eggs for $500.

Rhino fight mini-game at Zoo
Find the rhino area. Talk to the rhino trainer to bet on which rhino will win a fight for $100.

Entering aquarium at Zoo
Get on the roof of the building next to Stompy the Elephant. Jump on Stompy's back and grind her head to open the aquarium.

Pro challenges
In order to unlock your skater's pro challenge, you must get 90 pro points. The "Pro Challenge Unlocked" message will appear. The game will then tell you the level it is in and ask if you want to go there. If you choose "No" you can still go back and do it at anytime. Pro challenges are the most difficult goals. You may want to build your stats before you attempt them.

Easy stat points
Make a created skater, start a career, quickly finish simple objectives, save the skater, start a new career, load the skater, and do the same objectives. The game will give you stat points quickly, being that they become more scarce as the game goes on. When your stat points are maxed out, you can switch them all to a pro skater if desired.

Easy money
When you are selecting your skater, notice that there are people skating in a halfpipe in the background, and that there is money there. After picking your skater, go to practice instead of skate. You can skate in that halfpipe you saw and collect that money.

Skate sideways
Go to any part in the game that has a ramp and then a flat surface above it (for example, the right side of the rhinos pen on the Zoo or at the crates in the Shipyard). Then, slowly skate up the ramp and turn.

View all FMV sequences cheaply
Save your game, then buy a movie for $800. After you have viewed the FMV sequence, reset the system and buy a different movie.

While playing a game, stand still and press one of the following button sequences to do the indicated taunt:

No Way Taunt: Press L1 + R1 + X.
Your Daddy Taunt: Press L1 + R1 + B.
Props Taunt: Press L1 + R1 + Y.
Get Some Taunt: Press L1 + R1 + A.

Play as Daisy:
Spend $9,000 at the store.

Play as Eddie:
Spend $9,000 at the store.

Play as Jango Fett:
Spend $9,000 at the store.

Play as Mike Vallely:
Spend $9,000 at the store.

Carnival level:
Spend $15,000 at the store.

Chicago level:
Spend $15,000 at the store.

Big Head mode:
Spend $1,000 at the store.

Cool Specials mode:
Spend $1,000 at the store.

Disco mode:
Spend $1,000 at the store.

Flame mode:
Spend $1,000 at the store.

Gorilla mode:
Spend $1,000 at the store.

Hoverboard mode:
Spend $1,000 at the store.

Invisible mode:
Spend $1,000 at the store.

Kid mode:
Spend $1,000 at the store.

Sim mode:
Spend $1,000 at the store.

Slow motion mode:
Spend $1,000 at the store.

Super Blood mode:
Spend $1,000 at the store.

Clown's hair:
Spend $250 at the store.

Clown's head:
Spend $300 at the store.

Clown's pants:
Spend $250 at the store.

Clown's shoes:
Spend $150 at the store.

Eraser hair:
Spend $250 at the store.

Heart boxers:
Spend $150 at the store.

Kenny's head:
Spend $400 at the store.

Spend $150 at the store.

King glasses:
Spend $100 at the store.

Metal head:
Spend $300 at the store.

Officer Dick's head:
Spend $400 at the store.

Officer Dick's shirt:
Spend $250 at the store.

Ollie's coat:
Spend $250 at the store.

Ollie's head:
Spend $400 at the store.

Ollie's pants:
Spend $250 at the store.

Paper bag:
Spend $300 at the store.

Smiley boxers:
Spend $150 at the store.

Homies Skatin' 1 FMV sequence:
Spend $800 at the store.

Homies Skatin' 2 FMV sequence:
Spend $800 at the store.

Kona Old School FMV sequence:
Spend $800 at the store.

Outtakes FMV sequence:
Spend $800 at the store.

Pro Bails 1 FMV sequence:
Successfully complete CAS Pro Challenge.

Pro Bails 2 FMV sequence:
Spend $800 at the store.

Pro Skater FMV sequence:
Successfully complete the Pro Challenge.

Hidden created skaters:
Enter one of the following names at the create a skater screen and their stats will appear.

Aaron Skillman
Adam Lippman
Andrew Skates
Andy Marchal
Atiba Jefferson
Ben Scott Pye
Big Tex
Brian Jennings
Captain Liberty
Chauwa Steel
Chris Peacock
Dave Stohl
Fakes The Clown
Gary Jesdanun
Henry Ji
Jason Uyeda
Jim Jagger
Joe Favazza
John Rosser
Kevin Mulhall
Lindsey Hayes
Lisa G Davies
Little Man
Marilena Rixfor
Mat Hoffman
Matt Mcpherson
Maya's Daddy
Meek West
Mike Day
Mike Lashever
Mike Ward
Mr. Brad
Nolan Nelson
Parking Guy
Pete Day
Rick Thorne
Stacey D
Stacey Ytuarte
Stealing Is Bad
Team Chicken
Ted Barber
Todd Wahoske
Top Bloke
Zac ZiG Drake

Hint: Bob Burnquist: Special moves:
Perform the following moves with a full meter.

BS One Foot Smith: Press Up, Down, Y.
Samba Flip: Press Left, Right, B.
Sit Down Air: Press Left, Down, B.

Hint: Kareem Campbell: Special moves:
Perform the following moves with a full meter.

B-Ballin Slide: Press Left, Right, Y.
Double Blunt Slide: Press Down, Up, Y.
Kickflip Backflip: Press Left, Down, B.

Hint: Rune Glifberg: Special moves:
Perform the following moves with a full meter.

Backfoot Flip Nosegrab: Press Right, Up, B.
BS Crail Slide: Press Right, Down, Y.
Kickflip Kickflip: Press Left, Down, X.

Hint: Steve Caballero: Special moves:
Perform the following moves with a full meter.

Daffy Grind: Press Up, Down, Y.
FS 540: Press Left, Down, B.
Kickflip Superman: Press Right, Up, X.

Hint: Tony Hawk: Special moves:
Perform the following moves with a full meter.

Barrel Roll: Press Left, Down, X.
Froggy Grind: Press Left, Down, Y.
The 900: Press Right, Down, B.

Hint: Taunt:
Stand still during game play then press one of the following to taunt.

No Way Taunt: Press L + R + B.
Your Daddy Taunt: Press L + R + X.
Props Taunt: Press L + R + Y.
Get Some Taunt: Press L + R + A.

Hint: Alcatraz: Baseball mini-game:
Get to the prison yard with a large gap in the wall. Talk to the pitchers mound to start the mini-game. You will earn $25 per homerun.

Hint: Carnival: Hidden area:
After buying or winning the Carnival level, you will see a haunted house while skating around. Go up to the house and you will see two rails on the "porch", symmetrically side by side. Grind one of the two and you will enter another dimension with floating skulls and spirals. You will grind into the mouth of a large head and go back into the level.

Hint: Carnival: Target practice mini-game:
Talk to the carnival worker with the gun at the shooting range to get $15 or $30 per shot.

Hint: College: Tennis mini-game:
Go to the tennis court and can play tennis with a someone named Bjorn. You will get $500 if you win.

Hint: College: High Voltage mini-game:
Find the green transformer next to Billy's Sporting Goods and do a lip trick on it. Grind the flashing wires to bring the voltages down to zero and earn $500.

Hint: San Francisco: Save The Sea Lions mini-game:
Find the pool with the glass window then talk to the telescope on the left. You will get $500 if you win.

Hint: London: Slappers mini-game:
Go under the bridge to find a pimp. You can bet on which of his girls will win a cat fight for $100. Note: You will not lose any money if the girl you bet on loses.

Hint: San Francisco: Garbage truck mini-game:
Spine Transfer into the garbage truck, then fall while still in the truck. You will start a mini-game where you can get a lot of money by riding the garbage trucks and launching out to catch the $50 bills.

Hint: Zoo: Monkey Poo Dodge Ball mini-game:
Find the giraffe cage in the zoo. Skate through the half open door behind them. Talk to the red button in the room to play the Monkey Poo Dodge Ball mini-game for $500.

Hint: Zoo: Egg drop mini-game:
Find the bird area. Talk to the small nest to start a mini-game where you need to catch ten eggs for $500.

Hint: Zoo: Rhino fight mini-game:
Find the rhino area. Talk to the rhino trainer to bet on which rhino will win a fight for $100.

Hint: Zoo: Entering aquarium:
Get on the roof of the building next to Stompy the Elephant. Jump on Stompy's back and grind her head to open the aquarium.

Hint: View all FMV sequences cheaply:
Save your game then buy a movie for $800. After you have viewed the FMV sequence, reset the Xbox and buy a different movie.

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