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You are viewing Cheat Codes for Uncharted Waters New Horizons

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Game Name : Uncharted Waters New Horizons
System : SNES
Date Added : 2005-03-17 09:35:32
Views : 11888

Head towards Bristol and invest in both Shipyards and Trade Market. Keep them both invested with the same amount of money, $50,000. After you have gotten the Barge ship, invest once more in the Shipyard and Trade Market. Return next month and remodel your ship's guns. The message "Your in luck, we have a new specialty today" or something similar should appear. If this does not happen, leave the Shipyard menu and keep returning to remodel guns. The new gun is Carronades. Its attack power is as strong as a Cannon, and its range is as far as a Culverin. This is the most powerful guns in the game.

Easy experience:
Locate the weak pirate in Tunis and bombard him when he leaves. Challenge him to a duel and weaken him to 50 hit points. After the duel ends, challenge him again to another duel to gain more experience. Repeat this as needed.

Errol's Plate armor:
Go to the Black Market in Copenhagen to get Errol's Plate. That is the star class armor, which is even better the Pull Mail Armor.

Easy money:
Accept the Collect Debt job in the Venice guild after starting a new game. Get the five gold ingots, deposit in the bank, and return to Venice. According to the banker, you have failed the job and reduce your fame, but the gold will remain in the bank.

Faster battles:
Hold Y at the battle screen when it is your opponent's turn.

New ship types:
Place $50,000 a month for five months in the Bristol shipyard to gain additional ship types, including a barge. Place $50,000 a month for five months in the Hamburg or Antwerp shipyards to eventually get the full-rig ship.

Better ships:
You can find better ships to fight with in Sakai and Nagasaki. The easiest way to get there as soon as possible is to trade carpets and arts until you have around 10,000 gold pieces. Then, buy glass beads in Venice and sell them at the port of Madeira. The beads will cost 2 or 3 gold and can be sold them for about 50 gold. In Madeira, buy sugar for 12 gold and sell it at the port of Santa Cruz (1 day of sailing south of Madeira). Buy flax from Santa Cruz and sell it in Amsterdam. From there you can buy glass beads and repeat the process. Do this until you get to 20 gold ingots. Then get some balm in Barcelona and cruise to the far east with a small ship (preferably with rows like a LaReale) with high velocity (such as a Caravella Redonda). First, stop in Nagasaki and invest 50,000 gold at the shipyard. You should do this when you reach the end of a month, as it is faster that way. When the month changes, you should find an Atakkabunde (cheap and efficient). Buy it and remodel it to only support 30 crew members and no cannons. If you have mates that can pilot ships, then buy a couple to speed up things. In Nagasaki, buy silver and sell it in Changan, Zeiton and Sakai. These ports have silk items; buy some to sell in Nagasaki. If there is no silver, buy porcelain. You will get fair price for porcelain in India -- the clove and pepper are cheap in India and sell for ten times higher in the Far East. Five months in a row, invest 50,000 in Sakai or Nagasaki. When they reach 1000 points in the shipyard, you will find a new boat: Tekousen. This is the ultimate battle ship. It is row powered, which is good when the wind dies, and can reach up to 20 knots in speed. Remodelling the Tekousen only permits you to hold 300 crewmen and up to 100 cannons. Another trick: buy a used Tekousen. It will hold 360 crewmen and 80 cannons. It is easier to maneuver in battle, and it has more speed than a Venitian Galeas. It also has as much cargo capacity as a full-rigged ship or even a barge.

Less attacks:
Enter Black Beard as a name.

Merchant discounts:
The Merchant will always discount the price of his goods at the rate of 75.0% of the full price. For example: If you were buying Porcelain for 108, do not pay more than 81. You will be able to get this discount even if you do not have a good bookkeeper. The key to getting this discount is to make sure the port is allied with your country (and also not a neutral port). You do not have to have a Tax-Free Permit, but it will reduce your price even more. Also, if you have a bookkeeper, they will do all the work for you. This is a rather short list of the bookkeepers: Esteban Ortega, Jacob Walweik, Antoine Fitch, Benito Gomez, and Tristan Seillo.

Crusader's Armor:
Go to Naples at 2:00 a.m. and purchase the Crusaders Armor. It is also star class armor, but it is a lot better then the Errol's Plate, which is cheaper.

Black market:
Wait until 2:00 a.m. and go to the item shops at the ports. The Crusader Sword may be found at the shop at Timbuktu.

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